Become a referee

How to become a USSF Referee

There are two paths to becoming a United States Soccer Federation certified Referee: taking and completing an Entry Level Clinic offered through CalSouth, or by being certified as an AYSO "Area/Intermediate" or higher Referee and applying for "cross-over certification."

Once you have joined USSF/CalSouth, you can then join SCRA to enjoy all the benefits of membership and to be scheduled for games. 

New Referee Path 

1. Attend an Entry Level CalSouth clinic (register with contact, a fee will be required at the class) 

2. Review the USSF Registration Information 

3. Fill out a USSF Registration Form (will be provided at the clinic)

4. Pay the $55 USSF registration fee (may be included in the clinic fee)

5. Complete the online SCRA Membership Application Form, and send payment of the separate SCRA membership fee


AYSO to USSF Crossover Path

1. Review the AYSO-USSF Cross-Over Information

2. Download and fill out the AYSO-USSF Cross-Over Form, obtain signatures

3. Review the USSF Registration Information 

4. Fill out a USSF Registration Form

5. Write a check for the USSF Registration fee of $55 payable to State Referee Committee-CA-So

6. Mail the Cross-Over Form, USSF Registration Form and check to:


           Cal South Referee Registration

           1029 S. Placentia Ave.

           Fullerton, CA  92831 

Complete the online SCRA Membership Application Form, and send payment of the separate SCRA membership fee

Players and parents interested in learning how to officiate USSF soccer are invited to become referees. Successful candidates will be certified as USSF Referees, and will be eligible to officiate USSF-sanctioned games, including youth games in a number of local soccer leagues and tournaments. Candidates should be physically fit, emotionally mature, and must be at least 13 years of age. SCRA, in conjunction with the leagues, actively promotes the involvement of youth players in the game as referees. SCRA's program of evaluation, training, education, and game assignments will help youth referees improve and become better referees. It is also a great way to earn money!